Sun, Sea and Shopping


On Tuesday we went to the coast, to Vila Nova de Milfontes. A town and civil parish in the municipality of Odemira, it offers cute shops, cocktails and cafés aplenty, and a beautiful stretch of beach. The blue sky is reflected perfectly in the clear, sparkling waters, which look nothing but inviting – despite actually being a little chilly!

A typical Portugese street
Forte de São Clemente

We first took a walk into the town, unmistakably Portugese again. We wandered round the perimeter of an old castle complete with drawbridge, overgrowth and nesting storks, before dipping in and out of a couple of artisan stores. I behaved and wasn’t quick to part with my money, though I did buy a lovely little handcrafted fish-shaped dish perfect for holding a small block of soap.

Did somebody say mojitos?

We next headed for the beach, stopping off at a beach bar for a drinks break. Perched on stools, we enjoyed a beer and a cocktail whilst gazing out over the white sands and that same blue sea. Truly relaxing.

The beach

After that, there was only one thing left to do – slip off our shoes and let the dry grains of sand sink between our toes. Luckily, it wasn’t especially hot, so padding across the sand was actually rather pleasant. A brief chill would take hold of my feet from time to time if I stepped too close to the surf, but the sensation again was a pleasant one. Not too hot, not too cold, just right. Perfect for Baby Bear. The sand eventually came to a stop, making way for a narrow, rocky pathway around the end point to the beach on the other side. This was slightly rough on the feet, but offered more of the stunning surrounding views, whicu offset the discomfort significantly.

Coastal views 🩵

Climbing back up to street level, I was ready for another sit down. I turned myself on the low wall I’d perched upon and just watched the water for a while, before feeling recovered enough to finish the walking cycle back to the car.

Algarve Shopping
Yes, this is a shopping centre food court…

Wednesday we went down to the Algarve shopping – and I was once again so disciplined with my spending, despite seeing hundreds of euros worth of stuff I might have liked! As far as shopping centres go, this one (partly open air) is especially nice to admire and stroll around, and we checked out a few of the stores before sitting out by a large water feature in the food court for a little break. We also visited a nearby bakery called Pão Da Aldeia that served the most delicious cakes, which also happen to be great value for money too. I would definitely recommend them.

Another cat!

Stomachs and wallets satisfied, we headed back north towards the home of my cousin and his family, where we had a lovely catch up and I had another encounter with yet another cat that settled itself to sleep in my lap – this one still just a baby! Once home again, the evening was spent talking all things writing, which I’ll never say no to, before heading off to bed on another too late night where I write this post, the night that will lead me into my final full day at the cottage. How time flies!

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